Apple Music
Amazon Music

1 – First tea in the morning
2 – Metro
3 – Skybar
4 – Zwei Bänke im Park
5 – Study in Brown*
6 – Clipper
7 – Dip
I was born in Frankfurt. My dad had fled Hungary in 1956. I started playing the piano at the age of 9 and later added drums. Today I work at SWR Baden-Baden. In the recent few turbulent years, I often sat down at the piano again in the evenings and played my old pieces from my student years to come down. That’s how this album came about.
*The title goes back to the well-known infant researcher Daniel Stern: I played a few pieces as part of the program of a psychological conference in Dreieich. Daniel Stern was sitting in the audience and asked if the last composition had a name. It didn’t yet. Stern suggested Study in Brown.
This Video for “Metro” was made at the end of 2024 during a visit to friends in my hometown Frankfurt.
(c) Gábor Paál, 2024

First tea in the morning – even if there is no tea.